Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Since I'm currently in my History of the Reformation class, I should be taking notes. But I have mentally checked out and spring break is on my mind! So I'm recording the lecture on my computer and will listen to it and type out notes when I start to study for our next test. It'll help with studying...right? Totally.

To do something to make the 2 hours and 20 minute class go by, I've decided to copy Lynsie and do this:

10 How's
1) How did you get your scars?
I have quite a few scars. I have one on my knee from when I first learned to shave. I have one on my elbow from scraping it alongside a boat in Minnesota. I have a chicken pox scar on my chin. I'm sure I have plenty more but they're all miniscule and insignificant.

2) How did you celebrate your last birthday?
On my actual birthday, I was sick with some sort of head cold but my boyfriend at the time (now ex) took me out to eat to Kobe and we watched movies all night. The day after, I got pink eye. Great birthday.

3) How are you feeling at this moment?
I'm starving. I haven't eaten anything but a few chips since breakfast this morning.

4) How did your night go last night?
It was a long day but ended quite nicely with dinner with Lynsie at Tequila's I actually got an interesting note from a waiter who has been flirting with me the last few weeks.

5) How did you do in high school?
As a freshman, I was ranked 40th out of 1,167 students. By the time I had graduated, I was 140th out of 1,167. I tried really hard the first two years and then realized Notre Dame, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton didn't have a broadcast program, so I backed off a little bit.

6) How did you get the shirt you're wearing?
I bought it at Old Navy

7) How often do you see your best friend?
I have multiple. My two here in Missouri that I see all the time. And another one lives in New Hampshire so I don't see her very often at all.

8) How much money did you spend last month?
Not that much. I'm trying to save for spring break!

9) How old do you want to be when you get married?
I want to be married by 25ish. Hopefully. I had better get a move on with that. I turn 21 in 38 days. Crap.

10) How old will you be at your next birthday?
Definitely just answered that, but I will be 21 on May 1st.

9 What's
1) What's your mother's name?
Vikki Marie Contreras

2) What did you do last weekend?
Lunch with Lynsie!

3)What's the most important part of your life?
My friends, family, and school work.

4) What would you rather be doing?

5) What did you last cry over?

6) What always makes you feel better when you're upset?
Curling up and watching either The Little Mermaid or The Sound of Music with candy and my favorite blanket.

7) What's the most important thing that you look for in a significant other?
Being at ease with the person and being able to be boyfriend/girlfriend and best friends at the same time.

8) What are you worried about?
Not messing up for cut-ins on Friday! And finding time to pack for break!

9) What did you have for breakfast?
Cereal and sausage biscuits.

8 Have You's
1) Have you liked someone that had a boyfriend/girlfriend?

2) Have you ever had your heart broken?

3) Have you ever been out of the country?
Canada. Woo. Although, there is a town in Mexico called Contreras. I'd love to go there someday!

4) Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
Oh yes.

5) Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?
Actually, quite recently yes.

6) Have you ever had sex on the beach?

7) Have you ever dated someone younger than you?
Hah yes

8) Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
Happens all the time.

7 Who's
1) Who was the last person you saw?
I'm in a classroom. People are everywhere.

2) Who was the last person you texted?

3) Who was the last person you hung out with?
I live with my roommate, so if you count spending time at home hanging out, then her. But if you don't count that, then Lynsie.

4) Who was the last person to call you?
My mother. Shocking.

5) Who did you last hug?
Claudia at work.

6) Who is the last person who texted you?
Katy. We are that cool.

7) Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?
Baby brother.

6 Where's
1) Where does your best friend live?
I already answered that. Missouri and New Hampshire.

2) Where did you last go?
Before coming to campus, I was at home for a few and before that I was at work.

3) Where did you last hang out?
If you count my apartment, then there. If you don't, then Tequilia's.

4) Where do you go to school?
Missouri School of Journalism at the University of Missouri - Columbia

5) Where is your favorite place to be?
On the couch with my puppy

6) Where did you sleep last night?
My bed.

5 Do's/Does
1) Do you like someone right now?

2) Do you think anyone likes you?
I know so. The waiter last night wanted my number.

3) Do you ever wish you were someone else?
Sometimes, but mainly only to have their clothes.

4) Do you know the muffin man?

5) Does the future scare you?
Definitely not :)

4 Why's
1) Why are your best friends your best friends?
They are always there to listen whenever I need them and we usually have quite a lot in common.

2) Why did you get a myspace?
Xanga got old?

3) Why did your parents give you the name you have?
It's a tradition in my mom's family to name daughters in a Margaret - Victoria pattern. I got Margaret (thankfully) and my middle name came from my other grandmother.

4) Why are you doing this survey?
History of the Reformation can't seem to keep my attention today.

3 If's
1) If you could have on super power, what would it be?

2) If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?
Everything happens for a reason.

3) If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring one thing, what would you bring?
Something to contact help with, whether that be a phone or a walkie talkie or a radio.

2 Would You Ever's
1) Would you ever get back with any of your exes if they asked you?
No. Tried that. Didn't work.

2) Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love?
Duh. Hair grows back. You can't replace loved ones.

1 Last Question
1) Are you happy with your life right now?
Yes :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that you posted your note. We always have good times at Tequilas
