Sunday, May 16, 2010

Katy's 21st

   Katy (my roommate and best friend) turned 21 on May 11th.

We went to Applebee's around 11:30 to celebrate by having her boyfriend make her first drink! Since I was legal already, I got my mudslide sooner and she got water :). Then by the time she turned 21, mine was gone. It seriously tastes like a milkshake!
Yay for being 21!

The next day we had a final together (my first and her last) and afterwards to celebrate both her birthday and her being a senior in college, we went to Quinton's Bar and Grill to have lunch. 

Then we went to the Winery in Rocheport where we were later joined by a few other people. It was a little chilly when we first got there but it warmed up thankfully.

Then somehow I ended up giving Patrick a foot massage even though I hate feet. Yes, it was the kind of afternoon. 

The rest of the evening was spent at our apartment and going to a bar for a few drinks after dinner. Overall, I would describe this birthday as memorable.

I finished finals (barely) and now am dealing with allergies that moved into my lungs, causing my asthma to not react well. Besides hacking up a lung, I've just been working and relaxing. My class starts on Tuesday, but in reality, it's not your typical class. I report two days a week and then have lecture for an hour and 15 min on Friday. Not bad at all. I'll just be spending every waking moment besides that at work. Yikes.

People are slowly starting to leave town. Lynsie left last week, a friend is leaving Wednesday, and Katy is leaving Thursday. I'll be home alone all summer. But I plan on making use of this time to just relax and read after a long semester. 

Tomorrow starts my 8 am - 6 pm work shifts so I plan on taking today to do whatever my heart desires.

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