Friday, May 21, 2010

5 Question Friday!

I've been waiting for this all day. It was my driving force through work this afternoon. 
It's 5 Question Friday from Five Crooked Halos!

1. Do you have an iPhone and, if so, how do you get apps and what are your favorites?
I do have an iPhone - the original to be exact. I get my apps from iTunes or the App Store. My favorite ones have to be Facebook, TweetDeck, and Foursquare. I'm addicted to social media.

2. What is your fondest memory of K-3rd grade?
I loved 2nd and 3rd grade, so I'll pick a memory from each. I was in 2nd grade when my little brother Mathew was born. I remember bringing bubble gum cigars that said "it's a boy!" on them and being so proud. I love my baby brother. In 3rd grade, I had my first teacher that recognized my abilities and allowed me to test them. I was the only kid reading 5th grade material and doing 5th grade math. I remember working on a project directly with the teacher while the rest of the class was doing their other things. I loved Mr. Hendrickson.

3. What makes you cringe at the thought of touching?
Mashed potatoes. Actually, that makes me want to gag more than cringe.

4. If you could have any celebrity show up on your doorstep who would it be and why?
Robin Williams or Julie Andrews. They are my two favorite celebrities. 

5. What would you say is your best physical feature?
I hate these types of questions. I think it makes me sound conceited. But if I have to answer, I'd say my smile/dimples. Or that's what people tell me.

It's Friday night and I'm exhausted. I've been working and reporting constantly. I'm only home to sleep. I plan on laying either in bed or by the pool all day tomorrow. I'll update more on my current frustrations with work and life in general sometime soon. 

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