Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Long time no blog

Between spring break, class, work, and finally being out at the station, I haven't had much free time. When I have had a bit to myself, I'm usually trying to breathe and not stress out for 5 minutes. 

Spring break was a blast. It was warm and I spent probably too much money. Whatever. I'm young. I'm not supposed to budget things yet. I did get a lot of staple items that will go well with things I already have to dress them up or dress them down. I have a much more versatile wardrobe now, which will be nice considering I'll be going in and out of the station and work this summer. I'm not required to dress up at work so why do it if I don't need to?

I've only been home 3 days and I'm starting to pack again for a trip BACK to Texas. I'm going with a friend to his "frat" formal. He goes to a Christian school so technically it's not a frat, but it's the same idea. Close enough. I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon and come back on Sunday, but it messed with my entire schedule this week as far as work goes. Instead of my normal 12-5 pm today, I was scheduled to do 8-5 today. Yuck. However, I did mis-set my alarm and work up at 8 instead of 7 so I was a smidge late to work. Luckily, I have an amazing boss who is incredibly flexible and understanding. I'm pretty sure he doesn't care when people come in as long as the work gets done and we tell them what's going on. 

I can't express how excited I am for May 1st. Yes, it's my 21st birthday, but it means that I am completely and totally done with my stuff for KOMU. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about working for the station, but it'll mean that I'm done with being stressed, just in time for a short break before finals. I have 2 shifts just shooting footage and writing a little bit and 3 shifts for reporting that have to be done before finals. It's not horrible, but I want to get it over with and knew this week would be a short one for me because of travel plans, so I scheduled my shifts so I am done by my birthday. This means some days I will be doing two shifts a week but hey, it'll get done.

One added stress is that I am volunteering for cut-ins at the station. I wanted to do a few to help boost my grade, but I think I actually liked it so I scheduled a few more. This means some weeks, I'll be at the station more than class, work, or at home. That's outrageous, but I should probably get used to it. 

Overall, I'm excited and stressed about the rest of the semester. I know it'll going by fast though. Then I'll be a senior in college. Woah. 

That's me during my second time to do cut-ins :)

If you'd like to see the videos of my cut-ins, check them out on YouTube.


  1. Mags, it gets a lot worse when you are mere MONTHS from graduating. I might actually get to walk in May and get my diploma in July if things go well in my meeting tomorrow. Talk about scary!

  2. I am so glad that we will be in our last yesrs of school today. I finally got my schedule set for next semester. Time is getting closer and closer.
